Greek Gear Coupons & Promo Codes

Greek Gear was cooked up in 1999: One part Italian passion, one part lifelong entrepreneur, one part Jersey-boy brashness, one part "go with your gut" attitude. We had a vision for this company back in the early 90s while attending William Paterson College and hanging out with his Phi Kappa Tau brothers. The internet made it a reality. While numerous internet companies went belly up during the infamous "dot com implosion" in the early 2000s, Greek Gear exploded and grew to become what it is today: THE RESOURCE for all of your fraternity/sorority needs. Truly, a recipe for success.The t-shirt to the right is my Rush shirt from 1988 and it is actually still worn to this day (it still fits!). It may be nearly 30 years old, but once a fraternity man - always a fraternity man.